SSAC Sandton | IV Drips
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Look, Feel & Perform better!

The Skin and Slimming Aesthetic Clinic offers safe, sterile, medically-approved intravenous vitamin drips that maximize health, rejuvenation, energy boost, performance, recovery, beauty and wellness.With our customized drip formulas, we can help you reach maximum vitality in as little as 15 minutes. Whether your needs are reparative or preventative, IV therapy is the only process that ensures 100% of its nutrients are absorbed.

Why drip?

The Skin and Slimming Aesthetic Clinic offers safe, sterile, medically-approved intravenous vitamin drips that maximize health, rejuvenation, energy boost, performance, recovery, beauty and wellness.

With our customized drip formulas, we can help you reach maximum vitality in as little as 15 minutes. Whether your needs are reparative or preventative, IV therapy is the only process that ensures 100% of its nutrients are absorbed.

  • Boost immune system
  • Increase energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Tighten and brighten skin
  • Boost sports endurance and muscle recovery
  • Decrease stress, improve mood and concentration
  • Detox the body
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Relieve hangovers and jetlag
  • Decrease migraines and inflammation
  • Rehydration
  • Improve fertility
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